Agencia de SEO SinalizeWeb

How we do

How we do

How we do

For 10 years in the market, SinalizeWeb has become a specialist in what it does, through the right tools. With 100% certified staff and more than 270 customers served, choosing SinalizeWeb is synonymous with conversion , proven numbers with 278,000 conversions per month and an average ROI increase of 340%. In order to elaborate an excellent strategy and obtain an excellent… Continuar lendo How we do


For 10 years in the market, SinalizeWeb has become a specialist in what it does, through the right tools. With 100% certified staff and more than 270 customers served, choosing SinalizeWeb is synonymous with conversion , proven numbers with 278,000 conversions per month and an average ROI increase of 340%. In order to elaborate an excellent strategy and obtain an excellent assertiveness, our planning works in the “4 hands” mode, that is, we seek to correctly combine actions of Branding, Performance, Offline and Online.

Every project made by SinalizeWeb has three pillars for success. Below, check out a little bit about how we think and develop.

  • Project Management and Implementation.

From the very beginning, every page of your project needs to have its clear objective, based on SWOT analysis, we have established steps for maximum performance , whether through tools such as SEO, social ads, AdWords, Full Commerce, etc.

  1. Planning of all projects;
  2. Creating layout and design
  3. Code development
  4. Homologation of functionalities
  5. Publishing with and without SEO Migration
  6. Sale Starter – Sales Plan


  • Assumptions and Scope of the Project

The project needs to be advanced, but easy to navigate, after all, the User Experience is very important. The analysis of consumer behavior has to be precise, so that when the project is put into practice, it reaches the maximum of the entire target. In addition to behavior, technical studies of the entire customer service / product are also needed, so understanding the conversion path is critical.

  1. Attention to consumer behavior
  2. Brand and Product Mapping Online
  3. Complete conversion funnel analysis
  4. Information Architecture according to ABC curve
  5. Guidelines for maximizing organic results


  • SEO Pillars for the Project

UX Design (user experience with use) is one of the factors of engagement, after all, when a page is well visited, Google understands that it has easy navigation, engaging it as well. But being on the first page of Google goes beyond that, and being easily found on Google is critical to a critical lower cost-per-conversion (CPA), higher ROI, and better revenue. For this, our premises are:

  1. Proper HTML hierarchy
  2. Actual relevance of content
  3. Ideal prominence of important tags and long tails

But do not stop there, enchanting the target is also our specialty, so we formulate a consumption journey where we explain the paths that the target must follow and then finalize the project successfully.

Attract the Audience – Through Blogs, Social Networking, SEO and Content Marketing. From there, there is the discovery of your product / service by the target.

Convert Visitors to Leads (Potential Consumers) – Through CTA (Calls to Action) which are the functions of a page that lead users to take actions, such as when the consumer adds something to the cart. Landing Pages, which are the landing pages of the consumer, after all, it is not enough to have a good advertisement if when the consumer is directed to the page, it falls on the home screen of the site, it is necessary to have a page for that product, and also the creation of forms and contacts. Based on these requirements, it is possible to know the needs of the public.

Approaching Clients – Segmented email marketing, workflows, lead scoring and integrated CRM are tools that help us and certify in the search for the solution that your audience seeks, thus having a final result of success.

Enchant customers – Retargeting, loyalty and engagement are what we look for at the end of the whole process, thus encouraging the customer in the purchase decision.

Finally, our main tool is SEO , which is used triumphantly by SinalizeWeb . All our development is based on SEO, with the development of e-commerce stores with OnPage premises. As an SEO consultant, everything is done with technical report for the implementation of corrections and improvements.In execution, we have a team of developers focused on organic performance and usability. In addition, all organic migration is assisted and without loss of organic traffic, far beyond the redirect 301.

Primeira Agencia de SEO de SP fundada em 2007

Experiência do nosso SEO Sênior desde 1999.

Mais de 1500 empresas com Suporte via WhatsApp

Impacto financeiro mensal médio de R$31,5 milhões com SEO

Contratos de SEO sem fidelidade e com flexibilidade.

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Consultoria SEO desde 2007 somos uma Empresa de SEO dentre o rol de uma das mais antigas e Melhor Agência de SEO em São Paulo.

(11) 4965-4440