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Está imagem representa o tema abordado pela publicação do blog da Sinalizeweb | MODERN CONSUMER DAY: ITS IMPORTANCE AND ITS VALUE


On this Consumer Day, our blog brings you an indispensable theme for those who seek to better understand the scenario of online commerce: the consumer journey. To stand out in this bustling market, it is not enough to look for innovative ways to capture and retain customers, but rather to understand the motivations and needs… Continuar lendo MODERN CONSUMER DAY: ITS IMPORTANCE AND ITS VALUE


On this Consumer Day, our blog brings you an indispensable theme for those who seek to better understand the scenario of online commerce: the consumer journey.

To stand out in this bustling market, it is not enough to look for innovative ways to capture and retain customers, but rather to understand the motivations and needs of consumers to deliver exactly what they want. This is precisely the function of the consumer journey: a methodology that makes it possible to identify all stages of the lead relationship with your product or service, from the first contact, the purchase decision (or not), to the post-sale.



 Obviously, it is worth mentioning that the cost of acquiring new customers is much higher compared to investing in maintaining long-lasting relationships with consumers.

According to a survey released by Harvard Business Revew, it was found that a mere 5% increase in customer retention can result in a profit increase of 25% to 95%. In addition, a 10% increase in customer retention produces a 30% growth in company value. In this context, knowing how to map the consumer journey is an excellent solution to improve the way to manage the relationship with consumers.



The consumer journey map documents each step of the relationship between the potential customer and the company. The map both reveals a detailed analysis of particular moments of the consumer journey, as well as outlines the customer experience. Each company defines its consumer journey map, but, as a rule, the purchase journey has three main stages: 


At this stage, the user has a problem or a need that needs to be addressed. He then researches solutions to this need. It is a stage of recognition.


The consumer has already come across some solutions to their problem and is considering which one will best suit the need in question.


The consumer chooses which is the best product or service capable of meeting the need that he has.


Read also: 6 effective actions to decrease cart abandonment rate



The role of marketing automation is to optimize each step of the consumer journey, making it simpler and more efficient.

This new tool allows each potential customer to receive personalized attention. The goal is to identify all your steps during the journey and automate the process. Thus, the lead is attracted more easily by the sales funnel, becoming a customer.

Marketing automation strategies include onboarding (combination of on and offline data), customized nutrition flows, managing communication with leads via email marketing or In-App (within an application), among other features.



By being able to visualize the entire consumer experience with a product or service, it is easier to analyze and discover which points of contact deserve greater attention by allowing marketing managers to devise strategies for improving the quality of the customer experience that are truly effective.

Making the consumer experience increasingly enjoyable today is mandatory to significantly increase conversion rates and make a company take off on the internet.


Read also: How to improve the conversion of sales in the Virtual Store

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